15 Lifelong Loves In The Animal Kingdom
Maybe it’s love, maybe it’s a necessity, or maybe they just can’t find a decent divorce lawyer.

According to the World Wildlife Foundation (the real WWF), about 5% of mammals and 90% of birds choose a lifelong partner. It’s rare to find monogamy in aquatic animals, but we found a few in this lovey list of 15 lifelong partnerships.

Source: storyteller

Source: rd.com

Source: bbcearth

Source: thoughtco

Source: cbc.ca
Sea Horses

Source: rd.com
Mating for Life

Source: mentalfloss

Source: bestlifeonline

Source: bestlifeonline

Source: wwfasiapacific

Source: rd.com

Source: bbcearth

Source: poulins

Source: rd.com

Source: rd.com