30 Pop Culture Hidden Details We Never Noticed

Hawkeye borrows straight from the pages of the comic book.
30 Pop Culture Hidden Details We Never Noticed

Want to know about Pop Culture? It's hard to say. But, one could argue that pop culture is a constantly evolving and ever-changing collection of ideas, images, sounds, and objects that are popular with the masses at any given time. It's a term that can be used to describe everything from the latest fashion trend to the most popular song on the radio. In other words, pop culture is what everyone is talking about and what everyone is into. And it's always changing. So, if you're wondering what all the hype is about and want to know more about pop culture, you've come to the right apartment. We all know about the popular culture references that we catch – like hidden jokes in movies or sly lyrics in songs. But sometimes, there are secrets in pop culture that we almost miss entirely. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most subtle and obscure pop culture references out there. So sit back, relax, and get ready to have your mind blown!

The Queen’s Gambit

The pretty big homage to a French artist in THe Queen's GAMBIT When Harmon is adopted and walks into her new home for the first time, Alma (her adopted mother) shows her some Rosa Bonheur prints on the walls. A lot of the French artist's life and struggles show up in the series. Bonheur's mother, for instance, had to raise her alone thanks to an absent dad. Her mother gave piano lessons to make money, and died when Bonheur was still young. CRACKED.COM



SHE-HULK'S TEASER FEATURES A REFERENCE TO THE INCREDIBLE HULK TV SHOW The teaser features the same line said by Bill Bixby's Banner in the show (Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry), and Mark Ruffalo's Banner even wears the same style of clothes. CRACKED.COM


THe WIZARD OF OZ inspired the ZOLA. costumes in The costume designer explained that, once things begin to escalate in the movie, a neon sour green color starts seeping into the costumes and even some of the frames. The color was chosen based on the green wizard, who is the hidden character in Oz, to reflect Stefani's hidden but true intentions. CRACKED.COM
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