12 Scientific Findings We Just Learned

Does Alexa make kids bossier?
12 Scientific Findings We Just Learned

Science, luckily, doesn't wait for each of us to learn everything to progress. Here's a round-up of recent scientific discoveries, without the scientific jargon to weigh down your busy brain. 

The Jeff Daniels Spider

A newly discovered tarantula-killing worm was named after Jeff Daniels The parasite Tarantobelus jeffdanielsi (named for Daniels' role in Arachnophobia) was discovered after a wholesale tarantula breeder was worried about an infection affecting his tarantulas. CRACKED.COM

Source: CNN

Early humans put a fire in the optimal place

Early humans practiced interior design A new study shows that humans who lived 170,000 years ago placed the fire in the optimal place for utility and to avoid smoke, which shows high cognitive abilities. CRACKED.COM

Source: ScienceDaily

Siri and Alexa

Don't worry: Siri and Alexa don't make kids bossier Researchers discovered children were sensitive to the context of bossing around a robot versus another human. CRACKED.COM

Source: IDC

Loan applications are more likely to be denied midday

Loan applications are more likely to be denied midday Bank credit officers face decision fatigue by midday. So, if you're looking to get a loan approved, make sure you visit earlier or later in the day. CRACKED.COM

Source: ScienceDaily


There's 9,200 tree species yet to be discovered A new study estimates there are 73,000 tree species on Earth, but there are still many potentional rare, undiscovered species that are threatened by climate change and deforestation. CRACKED.COM

Large moons may be key to life

Large moons may help us find habitable planets The Earth's moon is unusually large, and the size of other planet's moon may be key in helping us find other Earth-like planets. CRACKED.COM

Source: Nature

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