30 Times Large Corporations Made Baffling Decisions

In today’s society, it seems like large, multinational corporations are making more baffling decisions than ever before. From Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer’s decision to ban remote work to the Coca-Cola Company’s introduction of a new product called “Coke Life,” these big companies just can’t seem to get it right. Here are 30 times in particular when large corporations made a completely baffling decision…


Chuck E. Cheese


Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders
Lost in Translation

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

Source: 15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders