15 Famous Actresses Who Dated Jerry On 'Seinfeld'

There were around 73 in total
15 Famous Actresses Who Dated Jerry On 'Seinfeld'

Seinfeld is a legendary show and for good reason. It broke a lot of the stale molds and tropes of contemporary situational comedies on television and introduced smart, fast paced writing and a show centered around a vaguely annoying know it all named Jerry Seinfeld.

One of the curious aspects of the show was just how many women Jerry ends up dating over the course of the show. 

The fact is, Jerry has always been a lady's man. Over the course of the show, he dated or slept with around 73 women. Out of those 73, here are 15 actors who have since made a name for themselves, outside of “that one girl who was on Seinfeld.”

For example, Anna Gunn (who you probably know as Walt's wife on Breaking Bad) appears in the season 5 Seinfeld episode ‘The Glasses’. Ironically, in the episode they end up breaking up after Jerry suspects her of cheating.

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COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM ANNA GUNN Before she was married to a cancerous meth dealer she was dating Jerry in the episode The Glasses in Season 5. The relationship didn't last long because Jerry accuses her of cheating...its fair, I don't think he's her type.

Source: IMDB

Lori Loughlin

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM LORI LOUGHLIN Lori Loughlin was on the episode The Serenity Now in Season 9. The Full House star did such a good job it would make you say I bet this woman will never do anything bad for the rest of her life.

Source: IMDB

Melinda Clarke

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM MELINDA CLARKE Melinda Clark from The ОС played Jerry's girlfriend Alex in season 8 in The Muffin Tops. She likes Jerry smooth like a seal, scaring him that the hair will come back in terrifying amounts like Kramer's pubes.

Source: IMDB

Lauren Graham

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM LAUREN GRAHAM Before Lauren Graham was one of those Gilmore Girls, she was calling Jerry instead of poison control on the episode The Millennium in Season 8.

Source: IMDB

Marcia Cross

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM MARCIA CROSS Before she was a Desperate Housewife she was saving lives as the stuck up Dermatologist in the episode The Slicer in season 9.

Source: IMDB

Amanda Peet

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM AMANDA PEET Peet also shows up in the films A Lot Like Love, Saving Silverman and Gulliver's Travels after being Jerry's demanding girlfriend in The Summer of George in season 8.

Source: IMDB


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