Cracked VS: NFTs Vs. Pogs

It's hard to say what will stick and what will fade into obscurity, but that's half the fun of trends. We get swept up in the craze of the moment and then often look back with a mix of nostalgia and embarrassment. Remember Pogs? Those little cardboard discs were all the rage in the early 1990s, but now they're largely forgotten. In contrast, some trends have more staying power. For example, Pokemon cards are still popular, even though they've been around for over two decades. So what makes a trend stick? It could be the appeal of nostalgia, or it might be the strength of the underlying IP. Or maybe it's just pure luck. Time will tell if NFTs are here to stay or if they'll end up being a flash in the pan. But one thing is for sure: we'll always remember where we were when we first heard about them.
Does every generation have their flash-in-the-pan craze that takes over the zeitgeist, but are all trends created equally? Will NFTs have a legacy as potent in the minds of today's crypto-bros as Pogs were, probably to those same bros? These are questions we will not be answering today.