40 Non-Actor Cameos on ‘The Simpsons’ We Forgot About
Is there anyone that hasn’t had a cameo on ‘The Simpsons’ by now?

After more than 30 seasons, you’re actually in the minority if you haven’t cameoed on The Simpsons. There’s Katy Perry’s iconic line, “That’s not my belly button, but I didn’t say stop”; Anthony Bourdain’s “There’s nowhere I won’t go, and nothing I won’t eat… as long as I’m paid in emeralds and my hotel room has a bidet that shoots warm champagne”; and Troy Aikman’s simple, universal truth: “Everyone likes dune buggies.” But what about the non-actor cameos you can’t quite recall? Don’t worry, we’re happy to jog your memory below…
Katy Perry

Michael Jackson

Lady Gaga

Stan Lee

Mark Zuckerberg


Um, cool... thanks, man.

The Simpsons

Joe Namath

Michelle Kwan

Pharrell Williams

Um, cool... thanks, man.