15 Comedy Movies About Things That Aren't Funny At All

If Monsters Inc taught us anything, it's better to laugh at something scary than to scream and cry.
15 Comedy Movies About Things That Aren't Funny At All

It’s undeniable that comedy is a highly subjective and personal genre. What one person finds hilarious may not be funny at all to another, as well as vice versa. One point most would agree upon is that when a movie is categorized as a comedy, people expect to chuckle or at the very least find it moderately entertaining. Of course, humor is a challenging genre to master because it is practically impossible to connect to every spectator, yet many comedies succeed in reaching a broad audience.

On the other hand, several comedy films fail to be funny in any way.

Many of these films follow the adage that humor is tragedy plus time, and while this is true for many of them, some go above and beyond. Like Patch Adams, these flicks take our concerns and turn them into laughing. Patch Adams isn't on the list, which seems like a squandered chance in retrospect.

Scroll down for more wild examples of comedies that are about things that are not even sort of funny.

The Big Sick

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM The Big Sick Kumail Nanjiani's big mainstream break came from this film based on the true story of caring for his future wife when she is in a coma. Kumail and his wife Emily Gordon wrote the picture together which won them best original screenplay at the AFI Awards.

Source: AFI

Don't ever ask a Boomer about the finale

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM M*A*S*H Remember your grandma talking about M'A'S'H all the time? This is what she's talking about. The film setting is the Korean War, but is really about the Vietnam War, which was taking place during the film's release in 1970.

Source: The Attic


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