Weird World: 12 Examples Of The Universe Being Utterly Weird

Sometimes, reality really is stranger than fiction.
Weird World: 12 Examples Of The Universe Being Utterly Weird

Whether you're bored, lonely or both, why not use your free time to learn something new? And what's better than blowing your whole dang mind? When it comes to unusual facts, they say reality is fantastical, and this is never truer than when you're discovering them. For example, did you know Abraham Lincoln was a championship wrestler as well as a licensed bartender? Also, consider this: honeybees beat their wings 230 times per second. Honestly, there's a lot to be fascinated about from the universe, and we're not just speaking about Snapple trivia.

If you need further proof, we've got plenty of mind-boggling data to toss your way. We’ve written about interesting tidbits, scary stuff, esoteric psychological facts, pointless trivia, amusing info and lot’s more info you’ll only find, well, here.

Here's a list of things that are too ludicrous to make up. Scroll down and keep this ol’ pony stompin’ you lovely scoundrels…

The Government Once Had to Declare No Takesies Backsies

WEIRD WORLD Because of the pandemic, you basically can't renounce US citizenship. EMBASSY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA US citizens living abroad have to do a 1-on-1 interview to renounce it, and those are suspended because of the pandemic, so thousands of people who want to give up their citizenship are stuck with it. CRACKED.COM


Part of This Complete Breakfast

WEIRD WORLD One British mom found her morning cereal full of crystal meth. Just before she tried to give the cereal to her kids, she saw that there was a small plastic pouch with white crystals in the box - and it turned out to be, уер, meth. CRACKED.COM


It’s Nerf or Nothin’

WEIRD WORLD In Boston, nerf guns led to some serious violence in a bus station. NERT 8 20 A bunch of teenage boys pointed the guns at bus passengers, and eventually shot an elderly man - and a fight broke out, and they were arrested. CRACKED.COM


Always Look on the Bright Side

WEIRD WORLD The pandemic brought one good thing to France: fewer burned cars. Normally, lots of cars get torched on New Year's Eve in France - but, due to the pandemic, that number was way lower. CRACKED.COM


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