30 Interesting Facts That’ll Delight Fact-Likers Everywhere

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30 Interesting Facts That’ll Delight Fact-Likers Everywhere

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that the world we live in is real. It’s full of surprises, wonder and amazement. And when it comes to facts, things can get even more interesting. I mean, after reading this post, you might just start looking at the world through a whole new lens…

America and The Nazis

CRACKED.COM The U.S. government used hundreds of Nazis as spies. After World War II, America didn't just employ German scientists - it came out in 2014 that at least 1,000 actual Nazis served as spies for the U.S. during the Cold War. For their (largely worthless) services, the government would often shield them from prosecution for their Nazi crimes.


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