13 Historic Art Pieces That Show Humans Have Always Been Freaky Weirdos
People in the 16th century also had a sense of humor

We tend to think of people in olden times as somber and dignified, dealing with hardships we have since overcome. But olden timey people were still people, just weird freaks like us. Here are 13 pieces from art history that will have you going “Oh, right yeah. Maybe those thousands of years of Church art patronage warped my perception of the past.”
Youth Making a Face

Source: National Gallery of Art
The Triumph of Death

Source: Museo Del Prado
The Temptation of Saint Anthony

Source: Google Arts & Culture
Ill-Matched Lovers

Source: National Gallery of Art
Gin Lane

Source: Tate
Phallic Wind Chimes

Source: British Museum
Arderne's Treatise

Source: British Library
Boxing Cats

Source: Atlas Obscura
Man with the Moneybag and Flatters

Source: The Leiden Collection
The Gardener

Source: Atlas Obscura
Jupiter and Io

Source: Google Arts & Culture
Garden of Earthly Delights

Source: Museo del Prado
Pine Seedlings on the First Rat Day

Source: British Museum