30 Obscure Now-You-Know Facts About Movies, Animals and More

Ernest Hemingway’s life seems like an action movie
30 Obscure Now-You-Know Facts About Movies, Animals and More

Everyone knows ground-level facts. For example, the temperature that water freezes at, that Greenland is actually icy and Iceland is actually green, blah blah blah.

So were not here to waste your time with basic tidbits everyone already knows. We want to take things up a notch with obscure, next level, now-you-know facts about movies, animals and more. Case in point: It turns out the first woman in space was sent up in a ship that wasnt programmed to descend. Fortunately, ground control was able to get her back home safely.

Heres more about that and 29 other interesting facts about art, movies, history and more… 


The Treaty of Versailles took away Bayer's trademarks on Aspirin and Heroin. That applied in the U.S., UK, and France. Bayer is a German company, and this was one of the consequences of Germany's defeat. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


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