Bonkers Origins Of 32 Holiday Traditions

Time to learn why we do the weird things we do during holidays.
Bonkers Origins Of 32 Holiday Traditions

Is there anything more comforting than spending a holiday with your loved ones, celebrating in your own unique way? Every family has its own set of traditions that they follow each and every year. Whether it's making the same dish, watching the same movie, or simply gathering around the fireplace, these traditions are what make a holiday feel special. What are your favorite family traditions? The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and fun. It's also a time for traditions. Every family has its own set of traditions that they celebrate each year. Whether it's watching the same movie on Christmas eve or opening gifts on Christmas morning, these traditions are what make the holiday season special.

Do you ever wonder where our favorite holiday traditions come from? Why do we do the things we do during the holidays? Well, it turns out that a lot of our traditions have pretty bonkers origins.

While most holiday traditions seem pretty innocent at first glance, they actually have some pretty wild and bizarre origins stories. Today we'll take a look at 32 such traditions and explain how exactly they became traditions.

Read on to learn more!

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

The author of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer used the money to pay off his late wife's cancer bills by Robert L. May was a copywriter at a department store. Не was tasked to come up with a kid's book to give out to customers for free and created Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Since he was work-for-hire, May didn't receive any money for his incredibly famous character until he managed to convince the head of the department store to sign off the licensing to him, 8 years later. CRACKED.COM


Christmas Carols

Christmas carols were traditionally about being drunk The first (English) written mention of carols were in 1426, but it wasn't until the Victorian era that Christmas carols started being associated with the church over the pub. So if you really want to honor the tradition, get wasted and join in at karaoke at a bar. CRACKED.COM



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