14 Delightful Details About Popular Holiday Movies

"Home Alone" really was a family affair.
14 Delightful Details About Popular Holiday Movies

From anti-apartheid posters hiding away in Scrooged to Back to the Future’s Flux Capacitor running the train in The Polar Express, here are some interesting details you can find in these popular Holiday movies.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Holiday Movies How the Grinch Stole Christmas The scene where the Grinch directs his dog to be a reindeer was Jim Carrey's homage to the film's director, Ron Howard. Carrey's mannerisms in the scene echoes Howard's directing style. CRACKED.COM


Anti-apartheid art

Holiday Movies Scrooged FREE SOUTH AFRICA Artist Keith Haring's work can be spotted in the background throughout the film, especially his 1985 poster, Free South Africa. GRACKED COM


No Jack Black movies here

Holiday Movies The Holiday e a GRADUATE - Sometimes, the detail is what you don't see. Like in the Blockbuster scene, where you will struggle trying to find a Jack Black or Kate Winslet movie on those shelves. The crew purposely removed every film featuring either of them. CRACKED COM


Shout-out to her bae

Holiday Movies Office Christmas Party THE Jennifer Aniston's character is reading A Girl on the Train at the airport. The book was adapted to screen that same year, and starred her then-husband, Justin Theroux. CRACKED.COM


It's all Upside Down

Holiday Movies The Christmas Chronicles NICK'S-PLACE Spot the valet watching Stranger Things on his iPad. CRACKED COM


Back to the Future cameo

Holiday Movies The Polar Express There's a Back to the Future Flux Capacitor on the train. This could also explain how the train can travel around the world in a single night. CRACKED.COM


The Christmas Chronicles 2

Holiday Movies The Christmas Chronicles 2 Polars CINEMA NOW PLAYING BAD SANTA FREE ADMISSION NOW PLAYING ELF FREE ADMITION The film references both Elf and Bad Santa, and both those references support the plot of the movie, too. CRACKED.COM


Michael Cane's real name

Holiday Movies The Muppet Christmas Carol Micklewhite A shop was given the name Micklewhite's, after Michael Cane's given name Maurice Micklewhite. CRACKED.COM



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