30 Bonkers Stats About the World That Sound Fake, But Aren’t
Cruella de Vil stealing those Dalmatians might’ve been for the best

We all enjoy a good science-fiction film or an interstellar superhero epic that transports us to remote planets and the cosmos. But the truth is, there’s a lot of mind-blowing stuff going on right now on Earth. For example, did you realize that our oceans contain about $700 trillion in gold? Or the world’s highest peak isn’t even Mount Everest? Bet you didn’t. Shoot, we should have bet you all of the gold in the ocean. Maybe next time…
When broken down into raw data and statistics, the actual world can seem more like science fiction and may be just as mind-boggling. Here are 32 examples, if you’d just scroll down…


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12 Ridiculous (And Telling) Statistics From Around The World

12 Ridiculous (And Telling) Statistics From Around The World

The Death Star