13 Questions We Never Knew We Needed Answers To

Sometimes, interesting questions need to be asked to folks at random. In an interview for example. Or when proposing to your future spouse. What the heck do you believe the purpose and meaning of life is? What would you be doing if money was no object? What would you do right now if you know you're going to die soon? What's the strangest piece of advice you've ever gotten?
Are you attempting to engage in more intelligent discussions? Big mistake, but it happens. Inviting your colleagues, relatives, and coworkers to a round of fun ‘questions of the day’ is one of the best ways to interact with them. Take it from us, internet hermit content goblins.
But before you can become a true quizlord, master of questions, you must know all of the answers for yourself.
Who among us hasn't wondered, "What is that floaty thing that appears in front of my eyes now and then?" "Could a sexbot truly kill a person?" and "WOULD a bot genuinely kill a person?" Yes, that includes all of us. Here's a list of questions we've set out to answer for you, all of which are equally valid. So what are you waiting for? Get to scrollin’!
A real and super expensive Jurassic Park

Source: Fandango Movieclips
God. Weddings.

Source: Mental Floss
When you have to save up for some Grilled Cheese

Source: Guinness World Records
Killer (sex)robots

Source: New York Post
Some books are good for a snooze

Source: Mental Floss

Source: Gizmodo
Pant or pants?

Source: Britannica
Dog says "Whaaaa?"

Source: Smithsonian Magazine
Floater alert!

Source: TED
The Catholic Church strikes again

Source: Mental Floss
Thanks, Bob!

Source: Carolina News & Reporter
Peach fuzz

Source: IFLS
When you got to go at Disney World

Source: Mental Floss