Tell Us Now: 18 Products Worth Spending More On

Growing up, many of you probably heard from your parents “The branded stuff is more expensive and the store brand is just as good!” You may have protested, but they also were probably right. However, while that’s a decent rule of thumb for most of us who are on a budget, there are just some items that are worth shelling out a few extra dollars and cents.
Maybe it’s that one chocolate cereal that for some reason tastes better from the box than the bagged version at the end of the grocery store aisle. Or that the name-brand aluminum foil happens to be sturdier. It could just be that you want to treat your tuchus right with multi-ply toilet paper instead of the flimsy stuff. After all, you’re worth it.
We asked Cracked readers what products they were willing to pay top dollar for compared to their lower-cost versions. These are the results: