13 Sitcoms Whose Pilots Were Different From Later Episodes

Change is the only constant, especially in comedy.
13 Sitcoms Whose Pilots Were Different From Later Episodes

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TV shows, especially comedy shows, don’t emerge fully formed – they sometimes make significant changes after the pilot. Here are 13 examples of that:

Gilligan’s Island

COMEDY NERD The Gilligan's Island theme song is totally different in the show's (unaired) pilot. It's a calypso song with lyrics like The captain is brave, he's a fearless maaan, and Gilligan helps him all that he caaan. CRACKED.COM


Parks and Recreation

COMEDY NERD Parks and Rec season one feels pretty different from the later show. Those episodes are usually considered the show's worst, and Leslie Knope was a lot like Michael Scott from The Office. CRACKED.COM


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