13 Pieces Of Good News As A Respite From The Barrage Of Negativity Around Us

After reading the news, you’d be forgiven for thinking the planet is about to burst into flames in protest against all the awfulness on its surface. But it’s not all that bad. No, seriously. Hey! Don't run away! This isn't some sort of Live Laugh Love, “always look on the bright side of life” kind of thing. There's serious stuff here that will bring a smile to your face. We practically have Joker scars just from putting these memes together, except if the Joker was a really successful clown who just made balloon animals for children and jumped in bounce houses and then went home to his loving wife. This is tangible, real-world positivity. We've got examples of animals maybe not going extinct, coral reefs being restored, and even some happy news about some really good doggos.
Here are 13 pieces of encouraging news that had slipped under our radars this week: