15 Croatian Words Every English Speaker Should Know

We didn’t know we needed a word for speed-drinking and speed-eating.
15 Croatian Words Every English Speaker Should Know

Sure, German infamously has “schadenfreude,” but did you know Croatian has a word for being lazy and taking it very seriously? Here’s that and 14 more words:


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Hohstapler Pronunciation: Hokh-shtup-lehr. Meaning: A con man who pretends to be rich, classy, and/or highly educated to fool their victims. The human version of a Nigerian prince email. CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Eksati Pronunciation: X-uh-tee. Meaning: To quickly finish off something you're eating or drinking, usually in a few very big bites or gulps. CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Brutalno Pronunciation: Broo-tahl-noh. Meaning: Dope. Awesome. Rad as hell. CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Brijati Pronunciation: Bree-ya-tee. Meaning: The Swiss army knife of the Croatian language. It can mean to shave, to be convinced of a thing, to be into a thing, to make out with someone, and probably more. CRACKED.COM


Vukojebina Pronunciation: Vou-koh-ye-bee-nah Meaning: Lit.: A place where wolves fuck. Bumfuck nowhere. In the sticks.

U roku keks

15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP U roku keks Pronunciation: Ou-rho-koo-cakes. Meaning: Lit.: in the timeframe of a cookie (as in, in the time it takes you to say keks, meaning cookie). Right away. In a sec. CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Cevapi Pronunciation: Che-vuh-pee. Meaning: Grilled rolls of minced meat. A delicacy in Croatia and its region, yet tragically near-unknown elsewhere. CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Živjeli Pronunciation: Zhiv-ye-lee. Meaning: Lit.: Live long! Cheers! The go-to drinking toast in Croatia. CRACKED.COM

Boli me kurac

15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Boli me kurac DREAMCHAS Pronunciation: Bolee-meh-kouratz. Meaning: Lit.: My dick hurts. I don't give a fuck. Used regardless of gender. CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Radodajka Pronunciation: Ruh-doh-duy-kah. Meaning: Lit.: One who gives gladly. A woman who, in times past, would have been accused of having loose morals. A devotee of free love. CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Fjaka Pronunciation: Fee-yaka. Meaning: Doing nothing, with a passion. Not being productive, and indulging in it. A popular pastime on the Croatian coast, and indeed throughout the Mediterranean. CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Uhljeb Pronunciation: Oukh-liyeb. Meaning: Someone with a cushy job, usually in government, that provides decent steady pay and requires almost no effort. Usually pronounced with infinite contempt. CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Fakat Pronunciation: Fuck-aht (yes, seriously.). Meaning: Really. Totally. Absolutely. As in, fakat . CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Krkan Pronunciation: Kur-khan. Meaning: A yokel. A hick. A person who's bigoted, uneducated, closed-minded, and proud of being all those things. CRACKED.COM


15 Croatian Words The English Language Needs To Adopt ASAP Picajzla Pronunciation: Peat-size-lah. Meaning: An impossibly annoying pedant. The kind of person who's going to notice a small, inconsequential mistake and get all up in arms until it's fixed. CRACKED.COM
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