Weird World: 12 Things That Happened Against All Conceivable Odds

Truly, the world is an inexhaustible fountain of surprises.
Weird World: 12 Things That Happened Against All Conceivable Odds

Odds are, if something can go wrong, it will. Murphy's Law is a real occurrence in life - just ask anyone who's ever had a computer crash moments before they needed to finish an important project or experienced car trouble on the way to their biggest interview ever. But sometimes, against all conceivable odds, things go right.

Has that ever happened to you?

Against all conceivable odds, something amazing happened. For no explicable reason, everything aligned in just the right way and produced a once-in-a-lifetime event. You'll never believe what occurred!    But actually, you probably will because bizarre coincidences like these happen all the time. Here are some of the most improbable things to have ever happened. 

Sure, we all live in bubbles of everyday routines and familiar sights … yet, sometimes, the beings pulling the levers behind the universe find someone and puncture their bubble, just for fun. Take time and read some of the best examples:

Axe-Wielding Maniac

WEIRD WORLD An axe-wielding maniac in Winnipeg demanded pizza from a delivery guy. The guy was delivering pizzas to another house in the neighborhood, apparently at the very worst time possible. CRACKED.COM


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