15 Random Facts That Are Making Us Question Everything We Know

Do you ever feel too certain? Perhaps a little over confident in the foundations of knowledge you base your life and your worldview on? We know we do all the time. In fact, we like to shake things up every once in a while by absorbing random facts that make us question absolutely everything we THINK we know.
If you’re like us, you like to learn new stuff. If you’re even more like us, you often come to Cracked for your fix of knowledge. And since you are on Cracked right now, we’re going to go ahead and assume that you’ve come for some random fun facts. Behold! Here they are. Damn, you’re so predictable (just like us).
For example, did you know Detective Pikachu is a direct sequel to the first movie? We also bet you didn't know Donald Trump “wrote” an erotic thriller (with the help, we're sure, of a ghost writer or two). It was a failed play at getting a soap opera made which never quite took off.
Want to learn more random facts to completely upend the delicate cognitive balance you have managed to maintain? Scroll on down!
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Photo: Bill Watts