13 Now-You-Know Facts About Ancient Egypt (They Didn’t Teach At School)

We can thank Ancient Egypt for the practice of cat naming, the D20, and so much more.
13 Now-You-Know Facts About Ancient Egypt (They Didn’t Teach At School)

Ancient Egypt isn’t just mummies and pyramids. There’s also cats (so many cats), geeky stuff like the D20, and political fragmentation. In a way, it was the internet of the Ancient World. Here’s more:

Ancient Egypt (Sorry, a Fourth Time)

Egyptian medicine was surprisingly specialized, and they even had proctologists. The Egyptian term for those literally translates to shepherd of the anus. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Ancient Egypt, Part II

There were a bunch of minor, petty kingdoms throughout Ancient Egypt. They all had varying degress of independence, and some of them later provided rulers that ruled over all of Egypt. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



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