11 Times Celebs Tried To Impress Us With Something Horrifying

TMI, Tony Bennett
11 Times Celebs Tried To Impress Us With Something Horrifying

When celebrities try to prove that they’re just like us, they sometimes miss the mark. Rather than coming off as relatable, they talk about, say, the clothing they make with human teeth. Here’s that story and 10 other incidents of famous people oversharing weird stuff.

Justin Bieber thought Anne Frank would enjoy him. CRACKED.COM After visiting the Anne Frank House he wrote in the guestbook: Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.

Source: CNN

Howard Stern

Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey have sex with her music playing. CRACKED.COM Nick told Howard Stern that the couple make love along to her tunes. Nick also goes solo if he's away from Mariah: Sometimes you've gotta be reminded of what's at home. His song of choice? Hero.

Source: TMZ

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