13 Things We Believed As Kids That Are Totally Made Up

We were fed a lot of baloney as kids. Now, if it was fried and served with a little mayo on some white bread that was terrible for you that was fine, but most of the baloney came in the form of pronouncements and declarations that were presented as fact, yet had zero basis in it. Yet we ate it up, because baloney.
But we're here to rewrite history that way. Like Moon Knight's Khonshu, we're turning back the sky to the time of our youth when all this happened. So crack open a Surge and some Pop Rocks. It's time to settle these playground debates once and for all. A daddy long-legs can't hurt you, goldfish remember more than what happened three seconds ago, and a penny falling from the top of the Empire State Building is not a deadly weapon. Arm yourself against Fake-News with the facts and logic below:

Source: Burke Museum

Source: National Library of Medicine

Source: NY Times

Source: Forest Preserve

Source: Healthline

Source: CNBC
Sitting Too Close to the TV

Source: Scientific American

Source: USA Today

Source: Mentalfloss
Swallowing Spiders

Source: Scientific American

Source: Scientific American
A Goldfish’s Memory

Source: Telegraph