13 Now-You-Know Wild Facts

Listen. The fact is, some of our brains just have TOO much free space in them. You may not know about it, but it's true. You know the feeling, just an airy, loose brain NOT stuffed to the gills with facts.
What's the use of that? You've been given a whole mess of gray matter between your ears for a reason dear reader. The question is, why NOT fill it with veritable giga bytes of trivia, useless information and random factoids? What else are you going to do? Acquire a marketable skill? Come on!
Besides, we've found some interesting stuff for you. For example, did you the Anglo Zanzibar war is the shortest war on record at only 40 minutes? If you think German chocolate cake actually comes from Germany, well, let's just say you've got some reading to do.
You can't learn all the information in the world. So settle for just the interesting tidbits, like these 13 facts that made us go ‘huh!’

Source: Atlas Obscura
The German chocolate cake lie - revealed

Source: NPR

Source: Smithsonian
Great run

Source: BBC

Source: BBC

Source: Washington Post

Source: PopSci

Source: The Atlantic

Source: The Verge

Source: Clark University

Source: Clark University

Source: NASA