30 Times Famous People From History Completely Shocked Us

Did you know that some of the most famous people in history have backstories that are complete surprises? We aren’t talking about finding out that George Washington had a dark side (although that’s pretty surprising, too). We mean completely unexpected things that came out about these iconic figures. For instance, you won’t believe the American woman who was a British spy during World War II…

Yu Gwan-sun

Althea Gibson

Mary Kenner

Roza Shanina

Source: 25 Famous People Who Were Total Nobodies While They Were Alive

Source: 25 Famous People Who Were Total Nobodies While They Were Alive
Robert Johnson

Source: 25 Famous People Who Were Total Nobodies While They Were Alive

Source: 25 Famous People Who Were Total Nobodies While They Were Alive
Gone Too Soon

Source: 25 Famous People Who Were Total Nobodies While They Were Alive

Source: 25 Famous People Who Were Total Nobodies While They Were Alive
Vincent van Gogh

Source: 25 Famous People Who Were Total Nobodies While They Were Alive

Source: 25 Famous People Who Were Total Nobodies While They Were Alive

Source: 25 Famous People Who Were Total Nobodies While They Were Alive

Source: 25 Famous People Who Were Total Nobodies While They Were Alive

Madame Tussaud