12 Comedians With The Strangest Career Trajectories

Are comedians born or made? This is a question that has been debated for many years. Some people believe that comedians are born with a natural ability to make people laugh, while others think that anyone can become a comedian if they learn the right techniques.
A comedian is someone who tells jokes and makes people laugh. Some comedians are famous and make a lot of money, while others are not as well-known. What do all comedians have in common?
What success looks like can vary between comedians; some may want to just get their stand-up to be the best it can be and never leave the small stage, some want to use their TV writing skills to land bigger roles in movies, and others may be happy to lean on their past wins and not have to work as hard in the future. These are all valid. Whether these comedians landed in a place that is better than where they started is debatable, but what isn't is that it is very weird.

Source: BBC

Source: Vulture
Jim Carrey

Source: Art Net

Source: NY Times
Carrot Top

Source: E Online

Source: Rolling Stone

Source: E Online

Source: NY Times

Source: Huffington Post

Source: Revolver

Source: Deadline
Victoria Jackson

Source: Hollywood Reporter