Cracked VS: Were the ‘90s better than today?

It's time for us to be honest about the last 30 years.
Cracked VS: Were the ‘90s better than today?

The ‘90s were great, but were they ACTUALLY better than today? Okay, yes, obviously. The world was largely peaceful, there was not rising global division and strife, social media had not yet leeched into every facet of our lives and they hadn’t even made the first of five re-imagined remakes of the same franchise yet. The future seemed bright and sleepovers were still a thing.  Unless they are still, still a thing, in which case, we’d like to retract the statement. In any case, college tuition was still way cheaper than it is now.

On the other hand, we’ve not got insane computing power, we’ve got access to incredible music, media and videogames by a massive pool of creators and increasing numbers of people never have to set foot in an office again. It’s honestly a tough call.

Let’s take a look at all the facts in this 


and see if we can’t get this sorted.

‘90s Movies

CRACKED VS BLOCKBUSTERS THE'90s TODAY CRACKED.COM Jurassic Park, Those Terminator, franchises are Alien, and still going, Predator movies and sequels but they kind dominated. of suck now. WINNER: '90S
CRACKED VS HOVERBOARDS THE'90s TODAY CRACKED.COM A fantastical Handleless concept that Segways most captured the minds known for injuring of children and children and adults alike, but being banned seemed like an from public. impossibility. WINNER: TIE
CRACKED VS VIDEO GAMES THE '90s TODAY CRACKED.COM 16-bit systems like SNES Indie developers can dominated in the early create games with decade, being taken over limited funds that look by 64-bit systems and and play better than the first foray into 3D big console releases graphics. The original from the '90s. AAA Game Boy was still the studios release most popular handheld, immersive games until the Game Boy Color running movie- in '98. visuals as the norm. WINNER: TODAY
CRACKED VS COMPUTERS THE'90s TODAY Windows CRACKED.COM By the end of the There is a computer '90s, only half of US for every need you households had a have, at any price computer. The ones point. smartphones they did have were bring the internet and underpowered, bulky, power hundreds of and the newly times than launched greater a World Wide Web PC from 20 ago was in even less years homes. to your pocket. WINNER: TODAY
CRACKED VS MUSIC THE'90s THE'90s TODAY 5SI STAR4 CRACKED.COM Popular radio started The Top 40 of today to play grunge, is mostly the same industrial metal, R&B, pop and hip hop acts folk rock, and foreign that have dominated pop sensations. Solo for a decade, but female pop acts like there are more Britney Spears and options than ever to Christina Aguilera discover music broke out late in the new decade. and support creators. WINNER: TODAY
CRACKED VS SOCIAL MEDIA THE'90s TODAY AIM. please dow AOL System M using is going awa AIM. please dow AOL Instant Messenger A ScreenNamel Kirsle Get 8 Screen Name Password Saved click here to change warn Block Forgot Password? Save password Auto-login B CRACKED.COM Get used to the Facebook, which familiar chimes and started as a way door opening soud fx to rank hot that let you know when the chicks, is literally person you met in a chatroom, radicalizing whose name you don't people to even want to learn, is overthrow the online on AOL Instant Messenger. government. WINNER: OH GOD
CRACKED V3 CRIME THE'90s TODAY CRACKED.COM After a huge rise Violent crime in and fall in the early the US is the '80s, murders in lowest it's been the US peaked since 2010, again in 1991, following a slowly declining steady decline through the from a peak in decade. 1991. WINNER: TODAY

Source: BBC


CRACKED VS HOUSING THE'90s TODAY CRACKED.COM The first half of the Since 2013, housing decade saw little prices have been change in the market, climbing to the it wasn't until '95 that pre-2008 crash home prices began an level, then upward trend that surpassing them just got more steep in in 2018. the 2000s. roughly WINNER: LANDLORDS

Source: DQYDJ

CRACKED VS VERDICT Life has sucked for a while, but it seems to be sucking more and more as time goes on. CRACKED.COM Oh well, time to endlessly Doom Scroll through TikTok until I have no self worth left.


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