Cracked VS: Were the ‘90s better than today?

The ‘90s were great, but were they ACTUALLY better than today? Okay, yes, obviously. The world was largely peaceful, there was not rising global division and strife, social media had not yet leeched into every facet of our lives and they hadn’t even made the first of five re-imagined remakes of the same franchise yet. The future seemed bright and sleepovers were still a thing. Unless they are still, still a thing, in which case, we’d like to retract the statement. In any case, college tuition was still way cheaper than it is now.
On the other hand, we’ve not got insane computing power, we’ve got access to incredible music, media and videogames by a massive pool of creators and increasing numbers of people never have to set foot in an office again. It’s honestly a tough call.
Let’s take a look at all the facts in this
and see if we can’t get this sorted.
‘90s Movies

Source: BBC

Source: Department of Labor

Source: Business Insider

Source: DQYDJ