Weird World: 12 Real Events We’d Never Expect To Happen

In a comic book, a city-wide stench would be the first stage of a supervillain’s plot.
Weird World: 12 Real Events We’d Never Expect To Happen

The world is such an odd place with so many odd people in it. You may look at your day-to-day life and think it is very general, very bland, and very boring. Oh, how wrong you are.

Sure, stuff may seem to be routine where you live and your routine can be… well, routine, but you should be careful what you wish for. There are so many people near and far that are doing weird, insane things that make life interesting. Things like recovering loose zebras by using other loose zebras. Or using Squid Game as the theme for their next protest. Or calling the police that are chasing them and politely asking them to stop.

We at Cracked aren't say that you should also be this interesting. Many times being boring and having boring stuff around you keeps you alive. But we are saying that you should read about folks that just aren't as bored as you currently are.


Spanish Novelist(s)

WEIRD WORLD An acclaimed Spanish female writer actually turned out to be a trio of guys. A book prize was awarded to Carmen Mola - and it was accepted by three scriptwriters, who revealed that there was actually no Carmen Mola. CRACKED.COM


London’s Monuments

WEIRD WORLD We've found out London has way more statues of animals than of named women. There are almost 1,500 monuments, and only 4% are monuments to named women. Turns out, animals have twice as many monuments as women. CRACKED.COM


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