Tell Us Now: 18 Jobs That Attract Terrible People

Sometimes we like to stir the pot, which is why we asked Cracked readers on Facebook, “What profession do you think attracts the worst kind of people?” The most popular answer was “cops.” We were surprised how many people pointed to their own field for examples of bad eggs.
Note: These are the opinions of individual Cracked readers. We at Cracked may or may not agree with them…we'll never tell. XOXO.
There's no getting around it: some jobs attract terrible people. People who are difficult to work with, who have personality traits that make them unpleasant to be around, or who just make bad decisions time and time again. If you're in one of those positions, it can feel like you're stuck - like you can't get out because all the other options are worse. But you're not alone. In this article, we'll explore a few of the jobs that tend to attract terrible people and offer some tips on how to deal with them. So read on - your sanity may depend on it!