37 Surprising Facts About Sex and Our Dumb Brains

Sex is fun and weird, and so are these facts about it
37 Surprising Facts About Sex and Our Dumb Brains

Think you know everything about sex? You probably don’t. Our brains are surprisingly dumb when it comes to sexual behavior. In fact, there are all sorts of things we do during sex that we can’t help because our brains are just designed that way. Things like…


MYTH: The right herbs can get you in the mood. FACT: Herbal aphrodifiacy can kill you. According to the FDA, no herbal supplement can actually boost your sex drive, and Spanish Fly has been shown to permanently damage the urinary system. Worse, in 1995, four men died from taking herbal aphrodisiacs. The myth probably arose in ancient times, when some herbs contained vitamins people were actually deficient in. CRACKED.COM features/9912150015 1 aphrodisiacs-wild-oats-herbal
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