Marijuana: Then Vs Now

Marijuana. Depending on your age, it was seen as “The Devil's Lettuce," an unfairly vilified versatile herb, or a good time at college. Over recent years, “jazz cabbage” has transformed into an after-school special warning to something cancer patients need to keep food down to something to fend off granddad's knee pain.
A lot has changed regarding marijuana within a generation's time, and not just the plants legality. The THC potency of the drug has gone from mild to scientifically modified purity. The tools and technology used to enjoy weed have significantly changed, too. Hell, the stereotypical stoned and slow hippie pothead has evolved into obsessive dude-bros that talk different marijuana strains like they're Magic: The Gathering playing cards.
Still, having weed enthusiasts being annoying is a much better outcome than continued criminalization. Here are some of the big differences in weed culture from back then versus what it looks like now.