16 Of The Strangest Mechanics In Video Games

Have we ever mentioned how much we love video games? From staying up late playing Mario when we were kids to buying the original DOOM floppy disks at our local pharmacy (yes, this was a thing) to bask in the modern technological advances of amazing games like Elden Ring, well, let's just say we are fans of the pastime.
While handheld gaming was once a smaller niche and restrained by technological limitations, the ability to game wherever, whenever, without dominating the living room TV has always been a major boom, the fact is, the state of play has evolved A LOT since the game boy.
There are some pretty strange mechanics that show up in video games. Some of them make no sense, while others are just odd choices. Today, we're going to take a look at some of the strangest mechanics in video games. This will include things like flying cars, controlling time, and even turning into a fish! So, whether you're interested in the stranger side of gaming or just want to know more about some of the weirder aspects of your favorite titles, read on for some fascinating insights.

Source: Engadget

Source: Destructoid

Source: Konami

Source: Rock Paper Shotgun

Source: TV Tropes

Source: Destructoid

Source: The Verge

Source: Forbes

Source: SCP Wiki

Source: Gamespot

Source: IGN

Source: TV Tropes

Source: Game Rant

Source: IGN

Source: Rock Paper Shotgun
Dwarf Fortress

Source: Dwarf Fortress Wiki