15 Famous Movies That Had Ding Dong IRL Consequences

A film director's job is to provide a nuanced evaluation of a movie's strengths and limitations. And even sometimes, it's just to reassure readers that taking their kids to see, say, "Space Jam 2: A Legacy" won't make them want to try to overdose on stale theater nachos. There is also the need to make a connection with other people who survived that comes from sitting through a relatively boring film.
Everyone enjoys watching movies. They're a hit with everyone. From crime fiction to explorations, humor to horror films, movies are a part of every day, and the film industry is expanding all the time. Take a look at famous movies and how they had ding-dong real-world consequences.
The release of the second trailer for The Phantom Menace was a watershed moment not only for Star Wars fans but for the entire internet. So scroll down and read more. Here's the complete story, as well as 14 others:
It was a cool time to be alive

Source: CNet

Source: Den Of Geek
The Walking Dead

Source: Entertainment Weekly
Squid Game

Source: Input
The Friend Zone

Source: Vulture

Source: IETF

Source: Diabolique Magazine

Source: Vulture

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Source: NYTimes
Apocalypse Now

Source: BBC

Source: CBR

Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Crime Procedurals

Source: Cornell University

Source: GQ