13 Interesting Facts (About Movies And More) To Tickle The Ol’ Grey Matter

The films and plots themselves are only a portion of the knowledge to absorb when considering the great works of cinema. The truth is that there was a lot of great stuff going on in the background than regular viewers might realize. But fortunately for all of us, some inquisitive individuals were able to unearth these mysteries and discuss them with the rest of the world.
If you enjoy movies sufficiently, you might become interested in how they are made. It's humbling to know that the glistening visions viewers see on screens, and television sets are images that, if spread widely, could become collective fantasies for an entire society.
We invited movie enthusiasts to provide many interesting backstage secrets they knew and obtained a slew of responses that may forever change your perception of some of your favorite films. IKeep on scrolling and you can see some of the greatest responses.
Mark Hamill remarked something on site that became one of the few comic lines in A New Hope. Here's the whole thing, plus 12 more:

Source: CBR

Source: Cinemablend
Darren Aronofsky

Source: Collider

Source: aphelis.net, aphelis.net

Source: FilmSchoolRejects

Source: MIT

Source: cbc.ca

Source: Healthline

Source: Deutsche Welle

Source: Atlas Obscura

Source: BBC

Source: Seattle Weekly

Source: Atlas Obscura