Tough Act To Follow: 15 Forgotten Sequels To Classic Stories

Not everything needs a sequel, but they tried with everything from Psycho to Mean Girls.
Tough Act To Follow: 15 Forgotten Sequels To Classic Stories

Sequels are tough. They’re tough to write, tough to direct, and tough to star in. There’s a lot of pressure to live up to the expectations of the first film, and it’s even tougher when the first film is considered a classic. But that’s what makes classic film sequels so special. When they’re done right, they can be even better than the original. The Godfather Part II is widely considered to be one of the greatest films ever made, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the impeccable performance of Al Pacino as Michael Corleone. Michael is a complex character, and Pacino brings him to life in a way that is both chilling and unforgettable. It’s no wonder he won an Academy Award for his performance. Classic film sequels are tough, but when they’re done right, they can be even better than the original. Thanks to great performances like Pacino’s in The Godfather Part II, they will always be remembered.

Some sequels are even better than the original; some are just more of the same, for better or worse. But there are some things that absolutely don't need a sequel, so much that you'd think they couldn't have one at all. That doesn't stop anyone, meaning we've gotten unnecessary follow-ups to everything from Psycho to Mean Girls that have been completely overshadowed by the original. We could go on, but don't expect any sequels to this …


AfterMASH AFTERMASH It's a smash- and look who's helping Potter & Klinger make love not war CRACKED M'A'S'H was SO unfathomably popular that about five seconds after it ended, there was a sequel show starring anyone who still wanted more money.

Source: IMDB

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