12 Nuggets Of Interesting Trivia

Some events are essential, whether you choose them or not. They are situations where people meet potential business partners as well as future love interests or lifelong friends. Except for the most self-assured as well as a confident member of the crowd, who among us wouldn't want to be the life of the party? Or know exactly what to say to boost up a flagging conversation?
Even with a friendly introduction, striking up a conversation with strangers can be intimidating. Not many of us spent long years traveling the world and exposing ourselves to others. Of course, you have to start somewhere. Look, it never hurts to have some absolutely wild, jaw dropping factoids up your sleeve either.
Military tanks earned their name because the cover story, while they were being developed, was that they were mechanized water tanks. Are you looking for more? Here's the whole thing, plus 12 more:
The Twilight Zone

Source: Smithsonian Magazine

Source: My London

Source: Entertainment Weekly

Source: nj.com

Source: James Cameron Online

Source: VG247

Source: American Scientist

Source: PRI

Source: BBC

Source: The Guardian
The Netherlands

Source: CBS

Source: Deutsche Welle