13 Cool Facts To Make You More Attractive To The Opposite And/Or Same Sex

But have you seen the version of Casablanca that’s about Interpol chasing a nuclear scientist?
13 Cool Facts To Make You More Attractive To The Opposite And/Or Same Sex

In order to boost your attractiveness, you don't need to resort to drastic measures like surgery or Botox. There are plenty of small things you can do to make yourself more appealing - and some of them might surprise you! 

Let's face it, we all want to be attractive. We want people to look at us and see someone they'd like to get to know better. Unfortunately, many of us go about trying to boost our attractiveness in all the wrong ways. We think that we need to resort to drastic measures like surgery or Botox in order to make ourselves more appealing. But the truth is, there are plenty of small things you can do that will have a big impact on your attractiveness.

- First, make sure you're taking care of your skin. This means cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing on a daily basis. 

- Second, invest in some great makeup and learn how to apply it properly. This doesn't mean you need to wear a full face of makeup all the time, but it's important to have a few key products that help you look your best. 

- Third, dress in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable. There's no one right way to do this - it's different for everyone. But once you find your own personal style, stick with it. 

- Fourth, work on your body.

We are sharing some more things that will help make you more attractive, regardless of your gender.

After WWII, they released a version of Casablanca with zero WWII references. It was for the West German market, and they changed the plot so it was about an atomic physicist, Victor Larsen, trying to evade Interpol. CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

Jack the Ripper actually might not have been a dude after all, it turns out. DNA evidence from letters he sent indicated he might have been female - but because the samples were so badly preserved, it's hard to say for sure. CRACKED.COM

Source: SMH


Bob Costas got penalized for speaking out against concussions in the NFL. He's a broaodcaster who'd been covering the NFL for decades, and NBC removed him from Superbowl coverage after his comments. CRACKED.COM

Source: ESPN

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