15 Sneaky Spoilers Hidden In Video Games
![15 Sneaky Spoilers Hidden In Video Games](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/1/6/790716_320x180.jpg)
Everyone loves spoilers! Except, no, no they don’t. That’s a load of baloney. And not even the good kind (is there a good kind? Well, fried on a grilled cheese isn’t too bad). The like, nastiest, slimiest kind of baloney. But, foreshadowing is always cool, the hints at twists that can be spoilers if people figure it out. Sometimes, spoilers are tough to find. They’re hidden in the background and take some looking and poking around. Real detective kind of work. Other times, like in Borderlands 2, they're literally spelled out in blood. Right in your face, thrust there by the will of the creators. Hidden in plain sight except not even really hidden. Just hanging out in plain sight. Lots of games have sneaky spoilers hidden for their stories hidden in them, hints and foreshadowing about what’s to come. Sometimes obvious, sometimes ominous, sometimes small and subtle. Those are the kind we prefer.
![ARCADE GAME RAD MOBILE REVEALS SONIC THE HEDGEHOG. 19 RANK Round CRACKED.COM Half a year before Sonic hit the Sega Genesis in North America, he could be seen dangling from the rearview mirror of a Ferrari 330 P4 Type in the coin-operated Rad Mobile.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/3/2/790732.jpg)
Source: Rings and Coins
![DEAD SPACE CHAPTER TITLES LITERALLY SPELL OUT THE GAME'S ENDING. Chapters Edit Chapter 1. New Arrivals Chapter 2: intensive Care Chapter 3: Course Correction Chapter 4: obliter ration imminent Chapter 5 Lethal Devotion Chapter 6 Environmental Hazard Chapter 7 Into the Void Chapter 8 Search and Rescue Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival Chapter 10 End of Days Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions Chapter 12: CRACKED.COM Dead Space The first letter of each chapter title spells out Nicole is dead, spoiling the twist that Nicole was a hallucination in Isaac's mind all along.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/3/4/790734.jpg)
![STAR WARS: ROGUE SQUADRON SHOWS OFF PHANTOM MENACE SHIPS BEFORE THE MOVIE RELEASE. SELECT YOUR CRAFT NABOO STARFIGHTER CRACKED.COM SECONDARY WEAPON SEEKER TORPEDOES By entering a cheat code, players could select a Naboo Starfighter to pilot in the Nintendo 64's Rogue Squadron. It would be six months until this class of ship was revealed in The Phantom Menace.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/2/9/790729.jpg)
Source: IGN
![A BIBLICAL FIGURE SPOILS THE HERO'S FATE IN RED DEAD REDEMPTION. CRACKED.COM A mysterious man in a stovepipe hat, who many players consider to be God or another otherworldly presence, tells Marston that the unremarkable patch of grass they are standing on will make a fine spot. At the end of the game, this is where Marston is buried.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/3/5/790735.jpg)
More: 6 Brilliant Clues Hidden in the Background of Video Games
![THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM LETS PLAYERS IDENTIFY THE DRAGON IN THE INTRODUCTION, IF THEY CAN GET CLOSE ENOUGH. CRACKED In the opening cinematic of Skyrim, a dragon begins to wreak havoc and allows you to escape execution. Getting close enough to the dragon will show his name on your HUD, revealing he is Alduin, the harbinger of the apocalypse throughout the Elder Scrolls series.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/3/7/790737.jpg)
Source: The Gamer
![BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY CAN'T STOP TELLING YOU THE JOKER ISN'T REALLY HIM. CRACKED.COM There are many clues that the Joker in Arkham City is actually the shape-shifting villain Clayface, like the fact that he shows no bones in X-ray mode and Harely Quinn remarks it's not you, is it?](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/3/3/790733.jpg)
![DEUS EX HINTS AT A CHARACTER'S ULTERIOR MOTIVES. CRACKED.COM The character of Paul Denton is a double agent, a fact that is hinted at in the password of his personal computer: Chameleon.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/2/5/790725.jpg)
Source: IGN
![THE MOST SHOCKING DEATH IN BORDERLANDS 2 IS SPOILED THE SECOND YOU MEET THE CHARACTER. 00 DB 5155 GRACKED.COM When you rescue Roland from his jail cell, the words YOU DIE are spelled out in blood behind him. Towards the end of the game, Roland is killed in a cinematic by the main villain.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/2/7/790727.jpg)
![A HINT TELLS MEGA MAN 4 PLAYERS THAT ONE ENEMY ISN'T WHAT HE SEEMS. MY FATHER IS NOT REALLY EVIL. CRACKED.COM Every enemy boss has a personal logo appear above their door, except for Dr. Cossack, subtly revealing that he was there against his will.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/2/3/790723.jpg)
Source: Youtube
![A RANDOM ROBOT IN PORTAL 2 GIVES AWAY EVERY PLOT TWIST IMAGINABLE. Turret: Promethes muniated godsito giving the gift tofknewiedgetto man He was beens of the earth and pecked by birds CRACKED.COM A defective attack-drone will tell you about Prometheus, a parable for what is waiting for the player, and blurts out her name is Caroline, referring to the scientist's assistant who merged with a computer.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/2/0/790720.jpg)
More: 6 Brilliant Clues Hidden in the Background of Video Games
![A BANJO-KAZOOIE CHARACTER PREDICTS THE GAME'S SEQUEL. RIGHT, THAT'S IT! I'M OFF to the LAVA WORLD CRACKED Gobi the camel tells Banjo and Kazooie that he is sick of being pounded on, SO he's off to the Lava World. In the sequel, Banjo-Tooie, Gobi appears in the fiery Hailfire Peaks level.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/3/1/790731.jpg)
Source: Reddit
![METAL GEAR SOLID V GAVE AWAY ITS ENTIRE PLOT WITH THE SONG IN ITS TRAILER. CRACKED.COM The lyrics of Garbage's Not Your Kind of People acts as a huge plot synopsis, including Big Boss rebuilding his army, a plot against English speakers, and Big Boss actually being a medic in disguise.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/2/2/790722.jpg)
More: 5 Clever Song Lyrics That Foreshadow Big Movie Moments
Final Fantasy V
![REVEAL OF A CLOSE RELATION IS FORESHADOWED IN FINAL FANTASY V. IS Greetings, I am Siren. I'm afraid your companions souls now belong to me. CRACKED When the Siren uses visions of loved ones to trick her victims, both Lenna and Faris see King Tycoon, foreshadowing the reveal that they are in fact sisters.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/2/1/790721.jpg)
Source: The Female Gaze
![A PAINTING GIVES AWAY THE FATE OF THE JOKER IN BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY. OKER THE CRACKED.COM Playing as Catwoman, you crack a safe that sits behind a painting titled Cain and Abel: The Duality of Man. Later in the game, Batman carries the Joker in the same manner, punctuating the twisted, good and evil, brotherly relationship between them.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/1/8/790718.jpg)
More: 6 Brilliant Clues Hidden in the Background of Video Games
![A TRANSLATION IN GOLDEN SUN: THE LOST AGE HINTS AT FUTURE EVENTS. Listen, this is Felix's quest now... We're just doing what we can to help out.. CRACKED.COM Towards the late game, the player's party is joined by the characters from the original Golden Sun. This joining-of-forces happens in the town of Contigo, which is Spanish for with you.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/1/9/790719.jpg)
Source: Youtube