Lab-Grown Brains And Perpetual Pi: 13 Tales From The Tangled World Of Tech
![Lab-Grown Brains And Perpetual Pi: 13 Tales From The Tangled World Of Tech](
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As the world progresses further and further into the digital age, more and more amazing technological advances are being made. In this article, we'll take a look at a few of the most interesting ones. From lab-grown brains to perpetual pi, these are some of the tales that make up the tangled world of tech. So sit back and enjoy!
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM Scientists grew Mini Brains with human stem cells. Then they got the tiny brains to develop some rudimentary eyes. When they can grow one with a tiny mouth it will say kill me...](
Source: Reason
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM A new TV ad fraud scheme has been uncovered, called 'Smoke- screen.' It works through screen- saver apps which trick connected TVs into thinking ads are being watched. R If my apps are going to watch ads for me, can they at least tell me if they spot a good deal?](
Source: New Yorker
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM A new study claims total ad revenue on about 7000 sites and apps that stream pirated movies comes to $1.3 billion annually. L Somehow I think Disney will still do just fine when it comes to making mega money.](
Source: Ars Technica
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM A computer spent 100 days to calculate Pi out to 62.8 trillion digits, setting a new record. They did it 3x faster than the last record of 50 trillion digits. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502 88419716939937510582097494459230781 64062862089986280348253421170679821 48086513282306647093844609550582231 772535940812848111745028410270193852 11055596446229489549303819644288109 75665933446128475648233786783165271 20190914564856692346034861045432664 82133936072602491412737245870066063 15588174881520920962829254091715364 36789259036001133053054882046652138 41469519415116094330572703657595919 3092186117381932611793105118548074 46237996274956735188575272489122793 But seriously, who's going to know if they just made up the last ten trillion numbers?](
Source: Reuters
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM NBC News reports that tens of billions in COVID benefits was taken in by foreign scammers using stolen and forged IDs. ? In the old days it was Americans scamming our own government. Now everything's been outsourced!](
Source: Vice
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM Facebook might be forced to sell gif creator Giphy after buying it last year. A UK regulator says the pur- chase is limiting competition. GIPHY facebook Now can they do anything about Facebook's fake accounts, mega spam and rampant misinfo?](
Source: The Guardian
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM Leaked documents revealed Amazon's plans to monitor keyboard strokes and mouse movements of employees in an attempt to stop rogue workers. Home it Insert Delete A to cart Add Ctrl Amazon keeps putting the tech into technological dystopia.](
Source: NBC News
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED. The Department of Justice is looking into using AI to monitor prisoner phone calls. The tech can be programmed to flag key words or phrases. ATA It'll be like how I used to have to tell my weed dealer how many cans of green paint I wanted, to fool any cops listening in.](
Source: CTV News
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM The U.S. Trade Commission ruled that Google's smart speakers infringe on five of Sonos' patents. This could lead to a ban on Google's speakers, plus maybe even Pixels and Chromecasts. SONOS SONOS I SONOS Turns out stealing smart speaker tech from Sonos wasn't so smart after all.](
Source: Bloomberg
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM Rural IPs say severe shortages in optical fiber cable is limiting their ability to expand service. AT&T is delaying fiber installa- tion in 500,000 homes this year for the same reason. Who knew fiberoptic cable was the new toilet paper?](
Source: The Guardian
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM Google is stopping ads aimed at minors from targeting them by interests or gender, and is setting videos by minors to private by default. TOYS HERE I AM HEREIAM HOW no YOU DO? Now can they do something about the many, many terrifyingly bizarre kids videos on their site?](
Source: The Guardian
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM A company is building massive plate-sized computer chips that use as much power as a small house. They're designed for specialized AI applications. Am I the only one hoping this will eventually result in giant-size mega-powered laptops?](
Source: Ad Age
![TANGLED TECH CRACKED.COM An appeal court has agreed that internet browser histories of federal government officials are not accessible under Free- dom of Information requests. hannity sex X G Trump sex - X Pillow Guy X M HOW TO DELETE BROWSER HISTORY PERMANENT Trump Feet Pics Sean Hannity Feet... Tucker Carlson Fe.. erictrump feet nics There was a great sigh of relief from all the officials who never heard of incognito mode.](
Source: Science Alert