13 Lies About Mental Illness and Therapy You've Been Told by Movies and Shows

Mental health is a serious business, which makes it specially unadvisable to learn about it from show business. As much as you like The Boondock Saints, you really shouldn't pop it into your DVD player as a substitute for therapy. I think we all agree on that – health is health, and entertainment is entertainment. Still, considering how big movies and TV are in everyone's life, it'd be nice if they tried a liiiitle bit harder when it comes to representing these matters. Otherwise, people can end up being misled about this weighty issue. For example, did you know that…

Source: Insider

Source: The Conversation

Sources: American Psychological Association, Treatment Advocacy Center

Source: Penn State University

Source: Vulture

Sources: Mayo Clinic, National Center for Biotechnology Information

Source: Chicago Health

Source: Insider

More: 6 BS Psychology ‘Facts’ (You Believe Because Of Movies)