Cracked News: 15 Thoroughly Unimportant Bulletins
New York Times readers were in for a rude awakening this morning when they opened up the paper to find that half of the front page was taken up by a very important-looking bulletin. "BREAKING: Trump to Visit New York City!" the headline blared, with a quote from the President himself declaring that he was "looking forward to it." But upon closer examination, it quickly became clear that this "breaking news" was anything but. In fact, it was just a boilerplate announcement of an upcoming event that everyone already knew about. Worse still, it was buried beneath several other less important bulletins, including one about a celebrity's travel plans and another about an upcoming sale at a local store. All told, it was a disappointing start to the day for New York Times readers - and yet another reminder that there's always something more important happening somewhere else.
Most of us only check email when we're expecting an important message. But what about all the other emails in our inbox? They can easily become overwhelming and distracting. This week, try tackling your less important messages first so you can focus on the important ones. That way, you'll be able to better manage your time and get things done!