Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'

Sometimes, an Easter egg is only there to troll us.
Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'

The Good Place is one of the most critically acclaimed sitcoms over the past decade. It's wit and goofy jokes make you forget that the show is teaching its audience about ethics. One of the biggest draws of the sitcom is its ability to weave in several blink-and-you'll-miss-it details in the props, costumes, and sets along with several callbacks to previous episodes, whether it'd be in dialogue exchanges or small acting choices.

Even the biggest fans of The Good Place probably haven't spotted every single Easter egg that is out there. Many of them are so subtle or so inside that no one can blame anyone missing them upon first, second, or thirty-ninth viewing of the series. I mean, did you spot the magic panda ever time? Or SNL's Church Lady? Do you even know why Janet (not a girl) wears purple?

Get soaked in your Good Place fandom and learn about some forkin' Easter eggs!

Parks and Recreation

EASTER EGGSTRA MEANINGS AND REFERENCES The Parks and Recreation crossover: Both shows were created by Michael Schur, and The Good Place not only featured many of the same actors but also tons of Parks and Rec Easter eggs. There's a magazine ad for Jean-Ralphio's champagne brand, Lil' Sebastian has a cameo in the fake Good Place, and at one point Jason gets trapped in a safe made by the Swanson Safe Company. The Good Place CRACKED.COM


The Good Place

EASTER EGGSTRA MEANINGS AND REFERENCES The magic panda In season two it's revealed that one of Jason's ideas to thwart Michael's plan is to catch the magic panda, use her powers. What initially sounded like just another whimsical thing Jason would say soon turned into a running gag, with a panda teleporting in the background of frames all over the place. The Good Place CRACKED.COM

The Good Place

EASTER EGGSTRA MEANINGS AND REFERENCES Aussie jokes UNDER WE CRUMB FROM A LAND DOWN ICED $1.50 coffe The art director revealed that, in the third season when the gang goes to Australia, there are references to kangaroos and koalas everywhere. The restaurants also have either a Finding Nemo or some kind of fish reference. The Good Place CRACKED.COM


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