17 Things We Were Taught As Kids That Are Nonsense

We're not saying the education system in America isn't the greatest in the universe for all time, all we're saying is that maybe there is a problem when the only way to fund our schools is for the soulless monolith of Big Business to print their own textbooks saying we should all be chugging milk and eating bowl after bowl of corn flakes in order for our bodies not to snap in half at age 30 like a glowstick.
That out of the way, let's revisit some items we were taught as kids that aren't exactly accurate. You'll feel so much better having your knowledge base corrected, and maybe, just maybe, you can politely pass these tidbits on to others. Maybe skip your Uncle Crazy, though - if he's like our Uncle Crazy the old fool is not particularly open to having anything at all corrected, not even his vision. Eeep.

Source: Center for Smell and Taste

More: 6 Ridiculous Science Myths You Learned in Kindergarten

Source: Wired

Source: NPR

Source: Library of Congress

Source: Washington Post

Source: The Guardian

Source: NPR

Source: BBC

Source: Scientific American

Source: Washington Post

Source: Business Insider

Source: BBC

Source: New York Times

Source: The Smithsonian

Source: Science Magazine

Source: Britannica