15 Truly Disgusting Moments From Hollywood Movie Sets

Blue milk is something you’d never want to actually drink.
15 Truly Disgusting Moments From Hollywood Movie Sets

Being an actor can seem to be an easy existence. You show up, perform your lines in front of a camera, and chill out between your scenes. It can be a sweet life and a great way to making a living if you can continue to get work. Sure, maybe a costume is a pain in the butt, but otherwise it's a decent way to live. Then there are the days where you drink blue milk.

I don't know if you're unaware of this, but milk typically isn't blue. And it wasn't really “milk” but “milky.” I don't know about you and your job, but I would imagine that your boss doesn't make you drink mysterious milky blue drinks. 

It could be worse though. Your boss could ask you to kiss your coworker who has been scarfing down pickles and tuna all afternoon.

Read on for more on these stories and other gross things actors had to do on the job:

Marina Sirtis spat out bits of chocolate into a bucket in The Next Generation. In The Game scene where she eats a chocolate sundae, she decided to spit into a bucket after each take so she doesn't gain lots of weight. CRACKED.COM

Source: 5 Hilariously Disgusting Moments From Your Favorite Shows

On True Blood, Anna paquin had to drink gross fake blood that tasted like latex. She chose the sugar-free version, which was also flavor-free, and only had the revolting taste of the latex tubes it was passing through. CRACKED.COM

Source: 5 Hilariously Disgusting Moments From Your Favorite Shows

David Boreanaz and Sarah Michelle Gellar made sex scenes annoying for each other. Right before filming a Buffy and Angel kissing scene, for example, they'd eat a ton of tuna fish and pickles just to gross each other out. CRACKED.COM

Source: 5 Hilariously Disgusting Moments From Your Favorite Shows

Anne Hathaway had to sing while surrounded by very quickly rotting seafood. They put in seaweed and barrels full of decomposing fish on the Les Miserables set, for the right vibe under studio lights, that smelled terrible. CRACKED.COM

Source: 5 Famous Movies That Used Horrifying Substances for Effects


The human guts in Night of the Living Dead were chocolate syrup, ham, and organs. Animal organs, that is. And those things might not sound so bad but actors had to gobble up all of that mixed together in one disgusting mes. CRACKED.COM

Source: 5 Famous Movies That Used Horrifying Substances for Effects

The android blood in Aliens was a bunch of rancid, super-gross milk and yogurt. It wasn't supposed to be spoiled, but they didn't keep it refrigerated, so Lance Henriksen had to drink milk and yogurt left under hot studio lights. CRACKED.COM

Source: 5 Famous Movies That Used Horrifying Substances for Effects

Lea Michele started puking when she sang Let It GO in Glee's final season. While singing, she looked up, and a lot of fake snow started falling into her mouth ... so she ended up choking on it and throwing up. CRACKED.COM

Source: 5 Hilariously Disgusting Moments From Your Favorite Shows

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