14 Now-You-Know Music Facts To Keep Your Brain Humming

Sometimes our brains need a little tune up. And sometimes? They just need a tune. There's plenty of stuff to learn in this world, but we figured we'd start things off with a high note.
While we love facts, trivia, knowledge and tid bits from all areas, music facts really ring our bell. How come? Music is a human universal that seems to have entranced homo sapiens throughout our existence. That and it can totally soothe even a savage beast (theoretically).
So strap in for some fascinating facts about music.
For example, did you know the British navy used Britney spears songs to scare of Somali pirates? We had NO idea about which famous franchise Nicki Minaj worked at before she was famous.
Just because you listen to a lot of music doesn't mean you know much about it. Here are some fun music facts to bring up the next time your favorite pop star is on the radio.

Source: The Guardian

Source: NME

Source: MTV

Source: Rolling Stone

Source: BBC

Source: Rolling Stone

Source: Vogue

Source: Capital Xtra

Source: Washington Times

Source: NPR

Source: Paper Magazine

Source: BBC

Source: Rolling Stone

Source: Radio X