18 Of The Greatest Insults From TV Shows

Hollywood knows when it's time to shift into the smarty pants gear. Everybody loves a good burn, especially when it's directed at a character that has it coming. There's a German word for it that escapes us right this second. Who hasn't laughed aloud Jim sets Dwight down hard on The Office?
If only real-life worked the same. Personally we never have the right insult ready. But we're here to change that for you. We asked intrepid Cracked readers on Facebook, “What's the greatest insult from a TV show?” Unsurprisingly, we had a lot of answers, from a lot of different shows. The top winners of the most quoted were Married with Children, Frasier, and The Golden Girls.
So here are 18 TV insults to carry in your back pocket, just in case someone challenges you to a verbal showdown. You'll be Hollywood-ready to set them in their place, right where they belong.
