At A Glance: 14 Eminem Facts For All The Stans

Many elements of Eminem's major profiles and interviews have fallen by the wayside in comparison to the most decisive events and peaks of his career, even though there seems to be a limitless quantity of content produced about him.
We embarked on a research binge and uncovered a wealth of old material on Marshall Mathers, including the first hip-hop music he heard, the only literature he's ever read, whenever he met Royce when he started getting beat up, and much more. So read on to learn a few things regarding Eminem you probably didn't even know.
You know of Eminem, whether you like him or not. He has been one of the best-selling musicians of all time, having topped the charts for decades. And if the popularity of TikTok is any indicator, the king of controversy isn't going away anytime soon. To feed your inner Stan, here are some Marshall Mathers facts.

Source: NME

Source: Genius

Source: The Way I Am

Source: The Way I Am

Source: The Way I Am
Crank Yankers

Source: The Way I Am
Michael Jackson

Source: The Guardian

Source: Billboard
8 Mile

Source: Rich Eisen Show

Source: MTV

Source: E!

Source: ScreenRant

Source: New York Times

Source: Detroit News