14 Bizarro Celebrity Facts That Sound Like Mad Libs

Celebrities, where would our world be without them? Well, the answer on that probably varies greatly on who you are.
If you're somebody that's stuck on their phone all day and knew what TMZ was when most people thought it was a misstatement of “trademark," then to take celebs out of the daily life equation would probably cleave out a serious portion of your life.
But if you're somebody who thinks celebrity culture has just gone too far, and that you won't allow yourself to get sucked into what you consider an unhealthy obsession, then you're probably up for vaporizing Tinsel Town and being done with it.
Well, we're not here to adjudicate that argument. What we are going to do is just lob some celeb facts out there. The Pope had it out for Shirley Temple. Jerry Springer straight-up Jerry Springer'd himself into the dustbin of history. Michael Jackson… was a weirdo. The surprises just keep coming!

Bill Murray

Michael Jackson

Bryan Cranston